Friday, November 5, 2010


How Far Along? 10 weeks

Average size of baby? 1.2 Inches .14 ounces. Compareable to the size of a prune.

Development this week? Bones and cartilage are starting to form and vital organs are beginning to function. Arm and leg joints are now working. Body length will double within the next three weeks. The baby is moving inside however I won't be able to feel it for another month and a half.

Cravings? Cold crunchy salads..I just discovered last night that Marcos Pizza will deliver an Italian side salad when it's 8pm and you don't want to run out to buy more lettuce at the store.

Symptoms? Morning sickness...nasty! Fatigue and a general I don't feel like doing anything attitude. :)
What I miss? Sleeping through the night without waking up at least 3 times to go pee.

Greatest moment this week? Seeing our sweet babe during my first ultrasound and hearing the heartbeat. Such a happy happy time. Also sharing the news with our families!