How far along? 16 weeks
Average size of the baby? The size of an advocado. 4.6 Inches and 3.5 ounces.
Development this week? Tiny bones are forming in the baby's ear this week which means they are able to hear now. Eyebrows, lashes, and hair are starting to fill in and tastebuds are forming.
Cravings? Auntie Anne's Pretzles and loaded baked potatoes!
Weight gain? I am at 4lbs..which is what I was at my first 9 week OB appointment. I think the morning sickness has kept it from increasing..I'm sure come next month it'll be a different story :)
Symptoms? Well I thought I had kissed morning sickness goodbye but it decided to make it's lovely appearance again for the last 4 days. Other than that I get round ligament pain when I cough or sneeze as the baby is stretching my lower abdominal muscles.
What I miss? Not worrying about this baby every single day...Next week we have our next OB appointment I'm hoping that helps calm my nervous nellie nerves!
Greatest moment this week? Hearing the heartbeat with the doppler at home! Still strong and in the 160's. Also having the best husband in the world bring me home an early Christmas present...a pregnancy pillow...I'm not sure if I'll ever sleep without it...it's amazing!