It was the weekend and you were three days overdue. Your mommy was determined to try every old wives tale out there to bring you into the world earlier , but we all know that babies come when they are ready! It was Saturday, we had already taken a couple mile long walks in the morning and I was now cleaning every last piece of wood work in our house with murphy's oil soap...still nothing. We decided to go swimming and I got the great idea to tread water in the deep end. After about an hour we headed home and I started having braxton hicks contractions every 6 to 10 minutes. I have had these before and didn't get too excited. We waited a few hours and they were still there and consistent but not yet painful. Since I was already dilated to 4cm since our doctors appointment on Thursday and I hadn't had painful contractions to get me that far we decided we should just go get checked out just in case. It was now 7pm and I very calmly let your daddy know I was going to shower get ready and that we needed to go to the hospital. He was trying not to show it..but he was a nervous wreck! He couldn't even eat dinner! We had a nice drive to the hospital video taped it and all. I joked with daddy that I was sad we didn't have the rush of driving fast to get there in time. We checked into triage around 8pm and was hooked up to the monitor for a little over an hour. I was still contracting regularly and still at 4cm. After the nurse spoke with the doctor over the phone (my doctor was not on call) she decided to let us go home and come back if my contractions got stronger and closer together. So we drove home and daddy was finally able to get some dinner. After getting home I decided to bounce on the exercise ball while watching the rest of a finals game. Within the next hour daddy went to sleep and mommy started to finally feel some pain with the contractions still coming every 5 to 8 minutes now. I waited about an hour and woke daddy up this time a bit less calmly exclaimed that we needed to go to the hospital. It was 1am and we got that rush of speeding back to the hospital (which was 25 min away) as I felt so much pressure with each contraction. We got about a mile down the road and your daddy almost turned around because he realized he forgot his watch to time the contractions. This is when I almost killed your daddy :) Just kidding!! I did not so gently scream at him to keep driving!! We checked back into triage and was told I was dilated to 7cm with a bulging bag of water. The nurse said you're not going anywhere! We got admitted and within an hour my water broke on its own and I was at 8cm right after. By around 4:30 I was completely dilated and ready to push..there was just one small problem we had to wait for the doctor! Luckily during the waiting time I was able to stand up in between contractions to go pee as I felt so much pressure from trying not to push you out! The doctor arrived and around 5am I started pushing. You were born at exactly 6am Sunday morning with Daddy and Grandma Meck there to cheer us on. The rest of the family was right outside the door to hear your first cry. Your daddy did such a great job of encouraging me and keeping me calm! My goal was to go all natural and with his help I was able to do it without an epidural! Words can't explain the feelings we felt as they placed you up on my belly. You were finally here and you were perfect in every way!! Welcome to the world Lucy Grace!!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Little Miss Lucy
How far along? I am currently just over 21 weeks along and passed the half way point. Praise the Lord!!
Average size of baby? Average weight is around 12 to 16 ounces and measures around 10.5 inches. About the size of a small cantaloupe.
Development this week? baby's skin begins to thicken and will develop into four layers. The sebaceous glands secrete a waxy substance to cover and protect the skin called vernix. Scalp hair and toenails are forming.
Symptoms? The morning sickness is finally subsiding...I think :) Lately I have been getting horrible charlie horses in the middle of the night.
Cravings? Still baked potatoes and lately lemonade...this past week I have actually started to feel more hungry then before. I successfully ate my first footlong sub and it didn't even hurt! haha
Weight gain? 9lbs
Best moment this week? Within the past few weeks we were both able to feel the baby move. It was such an exciting moment! Now I can feel baby moving pretty much all day long. We also had a 17 and 20 week ultrasound confirming a healthy baby girl. We feel so incredibly blessed!!
Name? We have decided on Lucy...I have always loved old classic names and this name has always been one of my favorites. It just hasn't felt right calling her anything else since the day we found out she was a girl! We are still deciding on a middle name and open to ideas!
Posted by Rashel and A.D. at 12:44 PM 3 comments
Saturday, December 18, 2010

How far along? 16 weeks
Average size of the baby? The size of an advocado. 4.6 Inches and 3.5 ounces.
Development this week? Tiny bones are forming in the baby's ear this week which means they are able to hear now. Eyebrows, lashes, and hair are starting to fill in and tastebuds are forming.
Cravings? Auntie Anne's Pretzles and loaded baked potatoes!
Weight gain? I am at 4lbs..which is what I was at my first 9 week OB appointment. I think the morning sickness has kept it from increasing..I'm sure come next month it'll be a different story :)
Symptoms? Well I thought I had kissed morning sickness goodbye but it decided to make it's lovely appearance again for the last 4 days. Other than that I get round ligament pain when I cough or sneeze as the baby is stretching my lower abdominal muscles.
What I miss? Not worrying about this baby every single day...Next week we have our next OB appointment I'm hoping that helps calm my nervous nellie nerves!
Greatest moment this week? Hearing the heartbeat with the doppler at home! Still strong and in the 160's. Also having the best husband in the world bring me home an early Christmas present...a pregnancy pillow...I'm not sure if I'll ever sleep without's amazing!
Posted by Rashel and A.D. at 5:00 AM 2 comments
Friday, November 5, 2010
How Far Along? 10 weeks
Average size of baby? 1.2 Inches .14 ounces. Compareable to the size of a prune.
Development this week? Bones and cartilage are starting to form and vital organs are beginning to function. Arm and leg joints are now working. Body length will double within the next three weeks. The baby is moving inside however I won't be able to feel it for another month and a half.
Cravings? Cold crunchy salads..I just discovered last night that Marcos Pizza will deliver an Italian side salad when it's 8pm and you don't want to run out to buy more lettuce at the store.
Symptoms? Morning sickness...nasty! Fatigue and a general I don't feel like doing anything attitude. :)
What I miss? Sleeping through the night without waking up at least 3 times to go pee.
Greatest moment this week? Seeing our sweet babe during my first ultrasound and hearing the heartbeat. Such a happy happy time. Also sharing the news with our families!
Posted by Rashel and A.D. at 8:20 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 26, 2010
The house we'll call home
I've been waiting for this day for a long time now, and I'm so excited to share that we are moving back home to Ohio! Ever since I was a little girl playing with doll houses, I've always dreamed of someday living in a big old victorian home myself. I dreamed of the colors, the nooks, the crannies, and all the fun parties we could host. Lately I've been dreaming of back yard bbq's full of friends and family and a bonfire to close the night. Soon all these dreams will come true when we move into our new home. I have to thank my husband for being such a great man and following his woman back home, even though it involves leaving his "home". We are excited to begin this new chapter of our life together, and excited for our family to be a part of it. So stop by....anytime, we'll be on the front porch waiting!
Posted by Rashel and A.D. at 11:28 AM 3 comments
Monday, February 8, 2010
Caramel Apple Layer Dip
Here is a yummy dish just in time for Valentine's Day!
<> Mix 1 package of softened cream cheese with 1/3 cup brown sugar and smooth into dish.
<> Top with 1 jar of caramel icecream topping.
<> Sprinkle on milk chocolate heath bits (as many as your little heart desires)
<> Serve with apples
<> Eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner too (if there is any left by then)!
Posted by Rashel and A.D. at 11:41 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Rewind to Christmas time
Posted by Rashel and A.D. at 4:15 PM 1 comments
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